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There will likely be several points within the course that you will have significant releases and feel the desire to rebirth yourself. Play this video to connect with the Cosmic Womb and ask her to co-create your rebirth with you. As the music plays, sit on your heals or in easy pose with your hands on your knees and bow up and down for the entire length of the song. Inhale up, exhale down, and allow your emotions to flow freely. It's best to end this practice with a short relaxation in shivasana to integrate.
Use this meditation to clear your chakras with crystalline energy and center yourself at your Heart :
Centering in the HeartSat Devbir
00:00 / 13:04
Use this meditation to manage your energy hygiene and connect to source with the adi mantra :
Energy Hygiene + Adi MantraSat Devbir
00:00 / 09:38
Use this meditation to open your receptivity and connection :
Opening the Space for MiraclesSat Devbir
00:00 / 07:18
Use this meditation to empower yourself.
it's great to do in the morning :
Create Your RealitySat Devbir
00:00 / 06:05
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